Regional School Advisory Council: Terms of Reference
The creation of a Regional School Advisory Council (RSAC) represents an opportunity for members of Halifax Regional Centre for Education (HRCE) school communities to provide local voice on a regional level, directly to the Regional Executive Director of Education (RED) and Senior Staff.
The RSAC mandate is to provide advice to the RED, share community issues, and discuss potential solutions. The focus of the council should be on student achievement and well-being, enhancing local voice, and other relevant local issues.
Members of the RSAC will be appointed by the RED, in consultation with a lead table of advisors, and will include School Advisory Council (SAC) members with a mix of parents/guardians and community members.
Factors considered in Council composition reflecting the region will include:
- Geography, representing all 18 Families of Schools (FOS);
- School configuration (elementary, junior high, high school); and
- Rural and urban school communities.
Where applications do not allow the Council to have diverse representation that reflects the composition of the regional community, adding members who are not from SACs will be considered. The RED will consider representation from:
- Mi’kmaw/Indigenous communities
- People of African descent
- 2SLGBTQIA+ communities
- Newcomers
- Disability communities
- Any other groups, as appropriate, to represent regional diversity
Membership will be sought through an expression of interest from current parent/guardian and school community SAC members.
Members will serve a term of up to two years. In the first year of the RSAC (2024), some members may be asked to serve a term longer than two years to allow for a staggered turnover of members to ensure integrity and history on the Council.
The RSAC will be comprised of not more than 12 members in total with balanced representation from all 18 FOS.
The RED has discretion to remove members if circumstances warrant.
Roles and Responsibilities
The RED will appoint members to the Council. The RED will identify issues for discussion and recommendation.
Members will fulfill the Council’s mandate to the best of their ability, in an objective and open-minded manner, and in accordance with the rules of confidentiality provided to them.
The region will provide administrative support to the Council, which includes:
- Ensuring that members have the necessary information to enable them to fulfill their mandate;
- Providing members with the rules of confidentiality; and
- Processing the reimbursement of expenses, if required.
Members will abide by SAC guidelines on how to be an effective council, which is to:
- Act in the best interest of students;
- Open with their intentions, opinions, and ideas;
- Strive to provide accurate information;
- Uphold a high level of integrity and courtesy at meetings;
- Adhere to democratic principles;
- Declare any possible conflicts of interest;
- Demonstrate trust and respect for members; and
- Create a positive atmosphere during meetings, at school, and in the school community.
The RSAC will meet three times per year, normally once in the fall, once in the winter, and once in the spring, as organized by the RED. Additional meetings may be called by the RED at their discretion. Consideration will be given to moving in-person meetings to different areas of the region. Meetings may be held in person or virtually.
Meetings will be no longer than two hours in length.
Members will not be remunerated for serving on the Council but will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in fulfilling their duties as members. Expenses are reimbursed based on the Provincial Travel Policy.