Family Navigators
Do you have questions about supports available for your child? Are you wondering where to turn? HRCE’s Family Navigators can guide you!
We know that navigating the many supports available to you and your family during the school years can be overwhelming. The role of the Family Navigator is to help parents and guardians of HRCE students find and access services available in education, justice, health, community services and more.
HRCE's Family Navigators have built strong relationships with community agencies throughout the region and have developed a deep understanding of the tools and resources out there for families.
They can help you find the support that you or your child may need to achieve success, inside and outside of school. They will help guide and connect you with the most appropriate services and resources. Reach out!
Contact Information:
Amelia Downey
902-464-2000 x4361
Charlene Sparks
902-464-2000 x4362