How to raise a concern

How to raise a concern

Did you know that there’s a process in place to help you reach the right person at your child's school or the HRCE office if you have a concern?

Here are the steps:

  • All concerns should first be shared with your child’s Early Childhood Educator (ECE) or teacher.
  • If your concern is not resolved, you should then contact the school principal.
  • If your concern remains unresolved, you can reach out to HRCE’s Family Navigators who can provide information about a wide range of supports and resources or connect you with the school supervisor.
  • If your matter continues to be unresolved, you can then initiate a formal review process, outlined in the Parent/Guardian Concern Policyin which the matter will be investigated by the appropriate HRCE Directors. To begin, complete the Parent Concern Reporting Form on page 3 of the Policy.
  • The final step is for your concern to be reviewed by the Regional Executive Director.