Represent HRCE on the Accessibility Advisory Committee
HRCE invites families, students and community members to apply to participate in the RCEs/CSAP Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee. The Accessibility…
It’s 11:30 a.m. at West Bedford School and students Lyra, Adalyn and Moyo begin rolling lunch orders down the hallway. Dressed in orange shirts, they’re ready…
Nova Scotia School Lunch Program - Ordering Starts Tomorrow!
The following was sent to eligible HRCE families on October 17, 2024. It’s almost time to order school lunches! Starting tomorrow at noon, you can go to www…
This message was shared with all HRCE families on September 3, 2024. Families, Are you ready? We are! The 2024-25 school year is about to begin, and we are…
This message was shared with families with students in Grades 7-12 on Thursday, August 29. Families, I am excited to let you know that, earlier today, the…
The following was shared with HRCE families on June 28, 2024. Families, And that’s a wrap on the 2023-24 school year! Before you head into summer, be sure to…
Please see the attached letter about the new provincial cell phone directive. This was shared with HRCE families on Thursday, June 6, 2024 on behalf of the…
We are pleased to share the 2024-25 school calendar, which you can view here . You’ll notice that it has a new look, but still contains all of the important…
New teachers take away important lessons from mentorship pilot
Earlier this year, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development asked for input through Ideas for Education. The purpose of this ask was to…
Families, Over the past month, many bomb threats have been directed at HRCE schools. Some have been handwritten in bathroom stalls, others have been anonymous…