Closed Tender Listing

Closed Tender Listing

Number Name Status Closing Date
3952 Sale of Surplus - Dust Collector & 2 Pipe Stands Expired March 22, 2018
3951 Projector Supply-Charles P. Allen High Awarded March 16, 2018
3949 Fine Arts Lab - Rocky Lake Junior High Awarded March 2, 2018
3948 Gymnasium Windows Replacement-St. Catherine’s Elementary Awarded February 23, 2018
3947 Food and Beverage Ordering and Delivery Service for School Healthy Eating Programs Expired February 23, 2018
3945 Municipal Water Supply Connection:Mechanical Work - Georges P. Vanier Junior High Awarded February 16, 2018
3944 Municipal Water Supply Connection:Mechanical Work - Harry R. Hamilton Elementary Awarded February 16, 2018
3943 Municipal Water Supply Connection:Civil Work-Harry R. Hamilton Elementary Awarded February 16, 2018
3942 Municipal Water Supply Connection - Civil Work-Georges P. Vanier Junior High Awarded February 16, 2018
3946 Floor Stripping Footwear Awarded February 12, 2018
3941 Access Control Materials Awarded February 12, 2018
3940 Supply & Install Public Address Systems - 5 Schools Awarded February 12, 2018
3939 20 Public Address Systems Awarded February 8, 2018
3938 Aluminium Window Installation - Ecole Beaufort School Awarded February 8, 2018
3937 Roof Replacement - Oxford School Awarded February 7, 2018
3936 Water Supply Upgrades-Water Treatment & Controls-Phase 2 - Eastern Shore District High Expired February 6, 2018
3935 Exterior Lighting Upgrades - Five Bridges Junior High Awarded February 1, 2018
3934 Roof Replacement - Sir Charles Tupper Elementary Awarded January 31, 2018
3933 Windows Replacements-Brookhouse Elementary Awarded January 30, 2018
3932 Roofing Recap - Ocean View Elementary Awarded January 30, 2018